We accept all the major Credit Cards, plus bank transfer and PayPal.
Immediately after your final confirmation of your order, you'll be directed to PagOnline system, the virtual bank gateway by Unicredit. You'll be requested for the 16 numbers, the expiring date, the last 3 numbers on the back, and the secure password if you credit card joins the Visa 3D Secure or the Mastercard SecurCode systems.
It's a direct dialog between our bank and yours; Giardino Italiano is not involved, nor for info nor for authorization.
Credit card frauds will be screened, accordingly with antifraud policy.
In case of fund (bank) transfer we have to wait for the receipt confirmation by our Bank, before shipping.
If you choose Paypal, you'll be directed to Paypal website immediately after your final confirmation of your order. Paypal payment is allowed only to Paypal users.
No additional costs for any of these systems.