The pen that recalls the design of the Bialetti Moka of 1930
The MOKA (italian coffee-maker), designed and produced in 1930 by Alfonso Bialetti, was a masterpiece of design and semplicity. It became famous all over the world, even where coffee drinking customs were completely different from ours.
Giuliano Mazzuoli remakes its shape for realizing a writing instrument, keeping the true semplicity and the clean design.
The Moka pen is available as fountain pen and "pressuried" ballpoint, made with aluminium in 4 brushed colors: aluminium, red, black and ivory.
When it's open, the cap can be placed inside the barrel:
The 15 components that make up the MOKA pen are made and assembled with care and passion with the desire to reach the maximum quality standard.
The fountain pen features a steel nib.
Cartridge/converter filled.